

英文读天下:畅谈经济热点 作者:李丹

Jack: It said that in order to solvethese problems, Japanese economyhas been in a slow pace.

Daisy: Really?

Jack: I’m not kidding.

Daisy: And?

Jack:  This  crisis  has  changed  itseconomic  statue  as  the  secondlargest economy.

Daisy: Wow! I think then not onlyJapan, but also other countries willadjust their economy.

Jack: That’s right. With the increasingglobalization, the crisis has had far-reaching consequences across theworld.

Daisy:  Even  those  undevelopedcountries would be affected?

Jack: Yes. Today, with the spread ofthe financial crisis, those undevelopedcountries  would  be  in  a  difficultperiod.  They  need  more  cautiousadjustment.

Daisy: It sounds like a nightmare!

Jack: Indeed.

Daisy:  Oh,  I  heard  that  a  lot  ofJapanese have been laid off and thereare large numbers of people live onthe dole.

J a c k :  Yes,  but  considering  itssophistication, it is really difficult tojudge who is to blame.

Daisy: Well, you are right. What weshould do now is to take effectivemeasures to recover our economy.


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