
Bill Gates

英文读天下:畅谈世界500强 作者:李丹

Emily: Allen, How much do youknow about Bill Gates?

Al l e n : He ’ s d r o p o u t o f t h eprestigious university Harvard. Andhe made a name for himself byestablishing Microsoft Corporation,a public multinational corporation,which later dominated the homecomputer market with MS-DOS andMS office.

Emily: I’m pretty much impressedby Bill Gates. A dropout would makesuch brilliant achievement.

Allen: Bill Gates scored 1590 out of1600 on the SAT which attests to hisextraordinary capability. When hewas a student at Harvard, he spentmost of his time using the school’scomputers.

Emily: I figure he must be prettyrich.

Allen: Sure he is. He remainedseveral years as the world’s richestperson.

Emily: What does he currentlyengage in?

Allen: He dedicates himself tocha r i t abl e organi z a t ions andscientific research programs throughthe Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Meanwhile, he remains at Microsoftas non-executive chairman.


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