
General Electric

英文读天下:畅谈世界500强 作者:李丹

The General Electric Company, or GE, is an American multinationalconglomerate corporation incorporated in the State of New York. In 2010,Forbes ranked GE as the world’ssecond largest company, based ona formula that compared the totalsales, profits, assets, and marketvalue of several multinationalcompanies. The company has304,000 employees around theworld.

GE is a global infrastructure, finance and media company taking onthe world’s toughest challenges. From everyday light bulbs to fuel celltechnology, to cleaner, more efficient jet engines, GE has continually shapedtheir world with groundbreaking innovations for over 130 years.

At GE, research has been the cornerstone of innovation for overa century. Today, GE has approximately 36,000 technologists workingacross their businesses and global research centers at the intersection oftechnology and industry to solve some of the world’s toughest problems.

Thomas Edison, Elihu Thomson and Edwin Houston are co-founder ofGE in 1878. Jeffrey Immelt is GE’sChairman and CEO now. Sincebeginning his tenure in 2001, hehas worked to transform GE intoa leader in essential themes tiedto world development, such asemerging markets, environmentalsolutions, demographics anddigital connections. Mr. Immelt also laid the vision for GE’s ambitiousecomagination initiative and has been named one of the “World’s BestCEOs” three times by Barron’s.

GE attracts leaders with an extraordinary combination of attributes:

vision, passion and deep sensitivity to the big issues that challenge theworld around them. A remarkable thing happens when you bring togetheremployees who are driven to make a difference: they do.

GE is an invigorating place to work. It is a high-performance culturethat emphasizes high-integrity business practices as well as work/lifebalance. They believe a company can do well even as it does good. Thisbelief drives organizational practice—from the philanthropic efforts ofthe GE Foundation to the millions of volunteer hours donated by theiremployees to community initiatives worldwide.

At GE, learning is more than a classroom activity. It’s how employeescome together to embrace change, develop skills to change things for thebetter, and get energized about it all.

Philanthropy plays an important part in their goal to be a goodglobal citizen. It allows them to connect with people and make a positivedifference in the communities where they do business and also those beyondtheir direct reach.


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