
foreign policy

英文读天下:畅谈全球风云人物 作者:李丹

Jane: Do you know the foreign policyof the President of South Korea, LeeMyung-bak?

Tom: Yes, I read news everyday andgot to know some.

Jane: Can you tell me somethingabout that?

Tom: Of course. Lee declared thathe would pursue a campaign of“global diplomacy” and seek furthercooperative exchanges with regionalneighbors Japan, China, and Russia.

Jane: What about the relationshipwith the USA?

Tom: Well, he pledged to strengthenSouth Korea-United States relationsand also implement a tougherpolicy with regards to North Korea,ideas that are promoted as the MBDoctrine.

Jane: MB Doctrine?It sounds interesting.

Tom: He wanted to restore betterrelations with the United Statesthrough a greater emphasis on freemarket solutions.


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