
Blind Man Breaks Speed Record

英文读天下:畅谈社会热点 作者:李丹

A b l i n d ma n i sclaiming a world recordby reaching a speed of144mph in a £58,000 car.

Mike Newman wasalone behind the wheelof a Jaguar XRJ 4.2 carduring the record bid atElvington Airfield, nearYork, on Wednesday.

The 41-year-old, who has been blind for most of his life, now claimsthe land speed record for the blind after exceeding the previous record of141mph.

Mr Newman, a bank manager from Sale, Cheshire, carried out the bidin aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind.

He was in constant radio contact with his stepfather, also named MikeNewman, who was following him and giving directions.

The father-of-two, who already holds one world land-speed record forthe blind for riding a motorcycle at 89mph, also wants to break another bikerecord by completing a one-and-a-half mile race circuit.

In an emotional celebration, in which he hugged his wife Kristen,15-year-old daughterBecky, son Sam, 13,and guide dog Ross,Mr Newman said itfelt fantastic to havebroken the record.

“ I ’m so happy.

This car is top, I loveit and I’m going to crywhen I give it back. Itgoes like the clappers,” he said.

Spectators watched Mr Newman drive the car in extremely windyconditions at an average speed of 144.75mph over two runs.

He reached 142.8 mph on his first run, driving into the wind on the 1.9mile long runway.

Mr Newman senior, 48, said: “He’s had to work really hard, he’s donereally, really well.”

Earlier this month, Billy “the Whizz” Baxter laid claim to the worldblind land speed record with an average 165mph on a motorbike.

But the Guinness Book of Records said it had not yet receivedevidence of the record from either Mr Newman or Mr Baxter, and that inthe meantime the current record remained 141mph by Alistair Weaver in anAudi S8 in 2002.


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