
Watson Returns as Australia’s Newest Hero

英文读天下:畅谈社会热点 作者:李丹

Teen sailor Jessica Watsonhas completed a triumphantreturn to Sydney, with thousandsof people on land and watergiving her a hero’s welcome.

After a 210-day journey ofa lifetime, the 16-year-old fromQueensland’s Sunshine Coast hasbecome the youngest person tosail around the world, solo, non-stop and unassisted.

Just two days shy of her 17th birthday, Watson sailed her 10-metreyacht Ella’s Pink Lady up Sydney Harbour, the same spot she left fromalmost seven months ago.

Battling six-metre swells and a ripped main sail, the final leg of herjourney took several hours longer than what was predicted.

She disembarked at the Opera House, made an emotional reunionwith her parents, and then met the official welcome party including MrRudd and NSW Premier Kristina Keneally.

Mr Rudd told Watson she has done the nation proud.

“Jess, welcome back to dry land, welcome back home to Australia,” he said.“You may feel alittle wobbly on yourfeet just now but in theeyes of all Australiansyou now stand tall asour newest Australianhero.”

“At 16 years old,you are a hero for allyoung Australians, you are also a hero for all young Australian women, andyou do our nation proud. This is a great day for our country.”

Mr Rudd wished Watson a happy birthday and welcomed her homewith a special gift—one free driving lesson, which he thought she would“pass with flying colours”.

But the teen adventurer humbly disagreed with Mr Rudd, saying she isno hero.

“I don’t consider myself a hero, I’m an ordinary girl,” she said.

“You don’t have to be someone special to achieve something amazing,you’ve just got to have a dream, believe in it and work hard. I’d like to thinkI’ve proved that anything really is possible if you set your mind to it.”

“People don’t realise what young people, and what young girls arecapable of, and it’s amazing when you take away those expectations whatyou can achieve.”

As she made her way up the world famous harbour, Watson wasflanked by a flotilla and a crowd cheering loudly, waving banners with  messages of support.

She struggled for some time to see the boat carrying her family, buteventually made eye-to-eye contact, waving to her parents who had tears intheir eyes.

Watson said she was overwhelmed by the support.

“It’s just completely overwhelming right now, I’ve been at sea for solong... but I think it’s slowly sinking in,” she said.


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