
Mystery Light Appears above Norway

英文读天下:畅谈社会热点 作者:李丹

An image straightout of a CGI poweredsci-fi movie lit up theskies over Norwayearlier today at 8:45a.m. local time. Thephenomenon appearedas a spinning spiralof white light, enteredaround a bright star-like object. A bright blue tail streamed from the centerof the object down towards earth.

The phenomenon was visible for over two minutes, could be seen forhundreds of miles, and was witnessed by thousands of individuals. It hasbeen dubbed “Star-Gate,” and theories of its origin range from a misfiredRussian missile, a meteor fireball, northern lights, a black hole, and alienactivity. The only thing that everyone agrees upon, including scientists andthe military, is as of now its appearance is a mystery—and is like nothingever seen before.

Chief Scientist Erik Tandberg, at the Norwegian Space Center, wasamazed by the —s ome t h i n g t h eRus s i an mi l i t a r yh a v e s t r o n g l ydenied. Dr. Tandbergsaid:

“I agree withe v e r y o n e i n t h escience communitythat this light wasthe weirdest thing. Ihave never seen anything like this ever. It may have been anything from anexploding missile whose launch went wrong—to a comet or other celestialobject that for some reason has been behaving strangely. If it was a missile—most likely from the launch base in Pletsevsk in Russia or one of theRussian submarines or even from the European Space Agency base inKiruna—then we are talking about a rocket launch that has gone wrong. Thespiral suggests the object came off course and balance and entered the spiralmovement. Leaking rocket fuel could account for the blue light. But I knowthat the military have denied this explanation. So we could be looking at anentirely new natural phenomenon.”

It is unlikely a variation of the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights,because of its coloring and unique spiral shape. Its appearance would also bedifficult to explain as a result of a meteor. Nick Pope, former UFO analystfor the Ministry of Defense commented:

“My first thought was that this was a meteor, a fireball, or debris fromppearance of the spiral. He agreed with many other expertsthat the spiral pattern could have been caused by a missile from Russia


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