

临时应急会话宝典 作者:(爱尔兰)艾诗琳

7.嗨,你的病好点儿了吗?Hi, are you feeling better?

8. 你太漂亮了,我都不认识你了.You are so beautiful, I didn’t recognise you.

9.最近,你好像瘦了.You are looking very slim re- cently.

10.嗨,你还记得我吗?Hi, you still don‘t remember me?


Making Introductions

1. Mary,这是Mike,美国人.Mary, this is Mike. He is American.

2. 我想给你介绍一位美国朋友!I would like to introduce you to my American friend.

3.我的爸爸妈妈想见见你.My mother and father would like to meet you.

4.你好!这是我们公司的王经理.Hello! This is our company manager, Mr Wang.

5.我要给你介绍一个男朋友.I’ll introduce you to a boyfriend.

6. 大家好!这位是南京大学著名的王教授.Hello everyone, this is the fa- mous Professor Wang from Nanjing University.

7. 各位!这是我们新上任的李经理.Everyone! This is our new manager, Mr Li.

8. 那是John,我的同事.That is John, my colleague.

9.你的朋友有男朋友吗?我很想认识她.Does your friend have a boy- friend? I would like to get to know her.

10.你们两个早就认识呀!You two have met before!


Saying Goodbye

1. 再见!Goodbye!

2. 明天见!See you tomorrow!

3.周末愉快!Have a good weekend!

4.一路顺风!Bon Voyage!

5.路上小心!Safe journey!

6. 一会儿见!See you later!

7. 希望我们还能再见面.I hope we can meet again.

8. 太晚了,我得走了.It‘s late, I must go.

9.我走了,电话联系!I’m off, call me!

10.我会给你打电话的!I‘ll give you a call!

11.我会给你发邮件!I’ll send you an E-mail!

12.明天几点见面?What time shall we meet tomorrow?

13.改天一起出去吃饭吧!Let‘s meet up to eat another time.

14.我真的得走了.I really must go.

15.替我向你老公问好!Give my regards to your husband!

16.你要注意身体!Look after yourself.

17.和你聊天太愉快了.It has been great to chat wi- th you.

18.时间过得真快,都1点了,我得走了.Time has flown! It’s 1 o‘clock, I must go.

19.到家以后告诉我.Tell me when you get home.

20.下次来中国,欢迎来我家.Next time you are in China, you are welcome to my home.


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