

临时应急会话宝典 作者:(爱尔兰)艾诗琳

6. 中国人的传统食物是饺子.Dumplings are a traditional Chinese food.

7. 太酸了,我吃不了了.Too sour, I can‘t eat.

8.有的人很喜欢吃苦的东西.Some people like bitter foo- ds.

9.我早上只吃面包.I only eat bread in the morn- ing.

10.晚上我吃得很少.I eat less at night.

11.日本人爱吃鱼.Japanese people like to eat fish.

12.中国人吃饭的时候喝白酒.Chinese people drink white spirit when they eat.

13.欧洲人喜欢红酒.Europeans like to drink red wine.

14.有的人吃完饭后喜欢喝茶.Some people like to drink tea after they eat.

15.吃完饭后可以吃点儿甜点.After we have eaten, we ha- ve something sweet.

1. 今天不做饭了,我们叫外卖吧.I’m not cooking today, let‘s get a take-away.

2. 今天就我自己在家,我要叫外卖.Today, it’s just me at home, I‘ll call for a take out.

3.上次的外卖是哪家的?Which house did we deliver to last time?

4.你知道外卖的电话吗?Do you know the phone number for the take-away?

5.那家的外卖好吃吗?Is that restaurant’s take- away delicious?

6. 帮我叫一个和你一样的外卖吧.Could you help me order the same take-away as you?

7. 我订日本料理那家的寿司.I‘ve ordered sushi from that Japanese restaurant.

8.你吃什么,我帮你叫外卖.What do you want to eat, I’ll help you order.

9.我们俩个叫一份外卖就够了.If we both order one dish that will be enough.

10.你好!我要订餐.Hello, I would like to order some food.

11.一份米饭,一份土豆牛肉.One order of rice, and one order of potato and beef.

12.请送到和平路8号,谢谢.Please deliver to Heping Road No 8, thank you.

13.1点以前送到可以吗?Can you deliver before 1 o‘cl- ock?

14.我的外卖几点能到?What time will my order/ delivery arrive?

15.不要放辣椒,谢谢!Please don’t add chili pep-pers, thank you.

1. 晚上在家做饭吧.Let‘s cook tonight at home.

2. 看看冰箱里还有什么?Could you see what is in the fridge?

3.我们只有土豆了,那做土豆沙拉吧.We have potato, we could make a potato salad.

4.我现在去超市买菜.I’m going to the supermarket to buy vegetables.


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