肯·史密斯博士(Ph.D. Ken Smith)(左)与本书作者陈振兴博士
肯·史密斯:国际知名物理及纳米专家;美国莱斯大学物理学博士;美国莱斯大学美国第一纳米技术研究中心创办人;碳纳米管制造公司(Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc)创始人。
肯·史密斯博士有100多项有关纳米技术、物理及物理化学研究的领域性论文发表在评论科学期刊。 Prior to the groundbreaking work of Ferid Murad and others, the central role of NO in our bodies was completely unknown. This informative volume brings together valuable information that illuminates the multiplicity of roles that NO plays in our bodies and how it affects our health. The book reveals the secrets of how we can live longer, happier lives by utilizing the newly-discovered power of NO.