Who We Are
我叫季晨,以翻译为生,成天在中英文之间来回倒腾。以前是自由职业,口笔译兼顾,现在是全职口译。多年前曾在母校南京大学教英文,闲来也编编词典。My name is JI Chen. I make a living from language conversion, between Chinese and English. I used to be amphibious, active in both translation and interpretation, but am now a full-time conference interpreter. Once upon a time, I worked in my alma mater, Nanjing University, as an English teacher and as a lexicographer of sorts.
这是我和儿子在颐和园的自拍。This is a selfie of me and my son, in the Summer Palace of Beijing. Or should we call it Winter Palace in this case?
父子,颐和园。Father and son, in Summer Palace, Beijing.
季麦天,于南戴河。Tian Macleod Ji, in Nandaihe.
说起我儿子,他是此书的第一读者。他叫季麦天,母语是英语,主修汉语和电影制作,学习之余,兼职平面模特,赚些零花钱。Speaking of my son, this book was originally meant for him and for him only. Tian Macleod JI(yes, a fusion name he has)is a native English speaker studying Chinese as well as filmmaking. He also does modelling on the side, to help support his studies.
感谢丁宁,在本书创作、定稿过程中提出极为宝贵的修改意见,态度严肃认真、不留情面,后期审校亦尽心尽责,她的贡献无声地流淌在本书的字里行间。My unqualified gratitude goes to Ning DING for her valuable and invaluable contributions in her capacity as a highly critical critique partner and a highly professional proofreader. Without this acknowledgement, she would have been an unsung heroine, whose input flows silently throughout the book.
丁宁,在家。Ning DING, at home.