The Big Bang
In the beginning there was nothing but black.
Suddenly there was a bang!The big bang created the universe.There were stars like the Earth and Sun.The Earth was very hot;it rained for millions of years.The Earth cooled down,volcanoes became mountains.
The Right Dad for Me
My dad is like the Sun,and I am like the Earth.My dad shines on me and gives me energy.
My dad always cares for me and always plays with me.Sometimes we play board games or card games.In card games,he always wins.He always helps me with my homework,till I know how to do it myself.He is always funny and he makes me laugh out loud.For example,when my mom says something serious,he makes it funny.When Mom is tired.Dad makes breakfast for me.He drives me to school.I will not list all the ways my dad cares for me because there are too many to mention.
My dad is smart and you know why?He almost knows everything!He knows everything that I don't know.He also knows everything about fixing and building things because he is the coolest architecture designer ever!In my house,I call him the fixing guy.
My dad is the most awesome dad ever!
17th of June,2015