

“诗教”传统的历史中介:梁启超与中国现代文学启蒙话语的发生 作者:郑焕钊


This dissertation focuses its attention on the study of the genetic relationship between the theories and practice of Liang Qi-chao’s “XinMin” literary enlightenment and modern Chinese literary enlightenment discourse. In view of the overall cultural vision of Liang Qi-chao’s political enlightenment,the dissertation discusses how Liang influences the occurrence of modern Chinese literary enlightenment discourse through his discourse logic,discourse pattern,discourse connotation and discourse value-orientation,which Liang used literature as enlightenment means. Its main aim is to unveil the inner cultivation logic of modern Chinese literary enlightenment discourse and establishes the important significance of the literary enlightenment discourse of Liang Qi-chao as the historical medium of Poetry Cultivation tradition from ancient to modern.

This dissertation includes two parts. Part 1(Chapter 1,2)generally studies the influence of Liang Qi-chao’s thought of “XinMin” on the establishment of the discourse logic of modern Chinese cultural and literary enlightenment. Part 2(Chapter3,4,5)implements concrete levels to discuss the genetic significance of discourse formations of Liang’s novel theory,stylistic innovations of newspapers,and construction of concept of “Chinese Literature” to the discourse patterns of literary movement,a popular value-oriented discourse and discourse connotation taking the nation as the core in the modern Chinese literary enlightenment. The premise that Liang’s literary enlightenment discourse was the concrete practice of his political enlightenment discourse constitutes the interpretation framework of this dissertation.

The conclusion of this paper is that Liang Qi-chao’s literary enlightenment discourse of “XinMin” establishes the basic mode of modern Chinese literary enlightenment discourse,which is of paradigm significance in the transformation of ancient and modern Chinese knowledge. However,this paradigm shift was not the rupture of tradition,but the modern interpretation of the traditional literati cultivating logic and its extension of the classical Poetry-Cultivation thoughts. To establish a paradigm of reinterpreting tradition is Liang Qi-chao’s contribution to the modern Chinese aesthetic discourse.

Keywords:Liang Qi-chao;Literary Enlightenment;Poetry-Cultivation


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