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当前位置: 首页出版图书生活时尚美食汉英饮食文化词典



定 价:¥16.00

作 者: 王逢鑫编著
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 饮食业

ISBN: 9787119020778 出版时间: 1998-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20cm 页数: 字数:  






    A.中餐Chinese food
   1.冷菜cold dish
   1)猪肉pork 2)牛肉beef 3)羊肉mutton 4)野味game
   3.水产品aquatic Product
   1)鱼fish a.鱼翅shark's fins b.鱼唇fish lips c.鱼肚fish maw 2)虾shrimp 3)蟹crab 4)海参sea cucumber 5)鲍鱼abalone 6)贝类shellfish
   1)鸡chicken 2)鸭duck 3)蛋egg 4)野生鸟类wild birds 5)燕窝bird's nest
   1)素菜vegetable dish 2)笋bamboo shoots 3)蘑菇mushrooms
   6.豆腐bean curd
   8.主食staple food
   1)面食cooked wheaten food 2)面条noodles a.汤面noodles soup b.炒面fried noodles 3)包子steamed bun with stuffing 4)米饭rice a.蒸饭steamed rice b.炒饭fried rice 5)粥porridge 6)元宵dumpling in soup 7)煎炸食品fried food
   B.西餐Western-style food
   1.冷菜cold dish
   1)沙拉salad 2)肉meat 3)鱼fish 4)家禽poultry 5)素菜vegetable dish
   2.热小菜 appetizers
   4.鱼虾fish and prawn
   6.鸡鸭chicken and duck
   11.炒饭fried rice
   12.面包bread a.三明治sandwich
   15.饼卷pancake roll
   1.食物构成foodd composition
   1)猪肉pork 2)肉制品meat product 3)牛肉beef 4)脂肪fat 5)奶制品milk Product 6)羊肉mutton
   1)鸡chicken 2)鸭duck 3)蛋egg
   5.水产品aquatic Product
   1)鱼fish 2)虾shrimp 3)蟹crab 4)贝类shellfish
   1)稻米rice 2)小麦wheat 3)小米millet 4)玉米maize 5)高粱Chinese sorghum 6)大麦barley 7)豆类legume 8)豆制品bean Product
   7.蔬菜Vegetables 1)酱菜pickles
   8.干鲜果品dried and fresh
   9.营养食品nutritious food
   1)蜂蜜honey 2)人参ginseng
   10.罐头食品canned food
   1)饼干biscuit 2)点心pastry
   4、软饮料soft drink
   5.果汁fruit juice
   6.冷饮cold drink
   7.酒alcoholic drink
   1)外国酒imported wine 2)中国酒Chinese wine 3)啤酒beer
   1.盐salt 2.食糖sugar 3.食油cooking oil 4.凋味汁sauce 5.酱paste 6.香料Spice
   1.餐桌dinning-table 2.桌布table cloth 3.餐巾table napkin 4.餐刀dinner knife 5.餐叉table fork 6.筷子Chopsticks 7.汤匙soup spoon 8.盘plate 9.碟small plate 10.碗bowl 11.杯glass 12.全套调味瓶condiment set 13.茶具tea set 14.热水瓶thermos bottle 15.咖啡具coffee set 16.开瓶器bottle opener
   G.厨房用具kitchen utensils
   2.餐具柜tableware cabinet
   4.洗碗机dish washer
   5.案板work top
   10.菜刀kitchen knife
   12.灶具kitchen range
   14.排风扇extractor fan
   15.水管water pipe
   16.清扫工具cleaning tools
   17.购物袋shopping bag
   1)摆席laying the table 2)侍应waiting at table
   1)吃饭having a meal 2)吃喝eating and drinking 3)吃饱eating one's fill
   6.主宾host and guest
   1)设宴giving a dinner 2)祝酒proposing a toast
   1)宰killing 2)退毛plucking 3)剥皮skinning 4)剁掉cutting off 5)开膛opening 6)刮鳞scaling 7)去骨boning 8)捆trussing 9)拍扁flattening 10)捣烂mashing 11)捣碎pounding
   12)砸碎crushing 13)刮皮scraping 14)削皮peeling 15)剥壳shelling 16)掐snapping off 17)榨extracting 18)去核stoning 19)洗cleaning 20)控干draining 21)晒sunning 22)晾drying
   23)冰冻freezing 24)化冻thawing 25)发酵fermenting 26)泡soaking 27)抹rubbing 28)裹coating 29)刷brushing 30)塞stuffing 31)点touching 32)打鸡蛋whipping an egg 33)打奶油beating the cream 34)撒sprinkling 35)放Putting 36)倒Pouring 37)搅拌mixing 38)蘸dipping
   3.刀法way of cutting
   1)做饭cooking a meal 2)炒stir-frying 3)炸frying 4)烤roasting 5)焖braising 6)炖 stewing 7)蒸steaming 8)煮boiling 9)腌seasoning 10)酱pickling 11)熏smoking 12)拌mixing 13)做拼盘preparing assorted hors d'oeuvres
   5.做面食making wheaten food
   1)和面preparing the dough 2)发面leavening the dough 3)揉馒头forming the dough into buns
   4)揉花卷forming the dough into rolls 5)擀面条making noodles 6)包饺子making dumplings
   7)蒸面食steamlns wheaten food 8)烤面食bakins wheaten food
   6.坐锅putting the pan on
