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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络图形图像、多媒体、网页制作视频/音频/流媒体图像与视频处理手册(上册)



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作 者: (美)博维克(Bovik, A.)著
出版社: 电子工业出版社
标 签: 图像处理 手册 英文

ISBN: 9787121023019 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 640 字数:  


本书介绍了图像和视频处理方面的基本原理、主要技术和典型应用,相关的内容包括图像与视频的增强和恢复,分类和分割,图像边缘检测,图像处理算法,图像压缩、存储、重取和通信,以及图像处理的应用。全书按内容聘请有关专家编写,涉及范围广、内容新、质量高,反映了最新的研究成果。本书的下册主要针对图像压缩、视频压缩、图像与视频获取、图像与视频的存取和通信、图像处理的应用等内容进行了深入的介绍。 本书可作为学习图像和视频处理课程的本科生、研究生的教材与参考用书,并且对于从事图像和视频方面研究的人员也是一本很好的参考材料。


  Alan Bovik:得克萨斯大学(Austin)的Cullen Trust for Higher Education Endowed教授,他是这所大学图像与视频工程实验室(LIVE)的主任。Bovik士在图像与视频处理领域已经发了400多篇技术论文,并持有两项美国专利。Bovik博士曾经获得过IEEE信号处理学会的杰出教师称号(Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society,2000),他是IEEE信号处理学会优质服务奖(IEEE Signal Processing Society MeritoriouS Service Award,1998)、IEEE第三次千禧奖章(IEEE Third Millennium Medal,2000)的获得者,并两次成为国际模式识别学会大奖(Pattern Recognition Society Award)的Honorable Mention得主。Bovik博士是IEEE的会士,并且是IEEE图像处理会刊(IEEE Transaction on Image Processing)的主编(1996~2000)。 Bovik博士曾经是1994年IEEE图像处理国际会议的主席。


SECTIoN I  Introduction
    1.1    Introduction to Digital Image and Video Processing  Alan C.Bovik.
SECTION II  Basic Image PrOcessing Techniques
    2.1  Basic Gray-LevelImage Processing  Alan C.Bovik
    2.2    Basic Binarv Image Processing  Alan C.Bovik.
    2.3  Basic T00ls for Image Fourier Analysis Alan C.Bovik
    2.4    Image Processing Education  L,rues Rajashekar,Alan C.Bovik Daniel sage,Michaef Unser, Unser,lina J. Karam, and Reginald L. Lagendiik.
SECTION III  Image and Video Processing
Image and Video Enhancement and Restoration
    3.1    Basic IJinear Filtering with Application to Image Enhancement Alan C.Bovik and Scott T. Acton
    3.2    Nonlinear Filtering fbr Image Analysis and Enhancement  Gonzalo R.Arce.
    Jan Bacca,and,Jose L. Paredes.
    3.3    Morphological Filtering flor Image Enhancement and Feature Detection  Petros Maragos
    3.4    Wavelet Denooising for Image Enhancement  DDng Wei,Umesh Raiashekar. and Alan C.Bovik
    3.5    Basic Methods for Image Restoration and Identification Reginald L. Lagendiik and Jan Biemond
    3.6    Regularization in Image Restoration and Reconstruction  W Clem Karl
    3.7  Multichannel Image Recovery  Nikoles p. Galatsanos. Miles N. Wernick,    Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, and Rafael Molina
    3.8    Multi-Frame Image Restoration Timothy J.Schula  
    3.9    IteratiVe Image RestoratiOil  Aggelos K. Katsaggelos and Chun-Jen Tsai  
    3.10  Motion Detection and Estimation Janusz Konrad.
3.1 1  Video Enhancement and Restoration  Reginald L. Lagendijk, Peter M.B. van Roosmalen, Jan Biemond, Andrei Rares, and Marcel J.T.
Reindesr  Reconstruction from Multiple lmatges
  3.12  Local and Global Stereo Methods  Yang Liu and  J.K. Aggarwal
  3.1 3  Image Sequence Stabilization,Mosaicking,and Superresolution  Rama Chellappa,S.Srinivasan,G.Aggarwal and A.Veeraraghavan
SECTION IV  Image and Video Analysis
    Image Representations and Image Models
    4.1   Computational Models of Early Human Vision  Lawrence K. Cormack
    4.2   Multiscale Image Decompositions and Wavelets  Pierre Moulin
    4.3   Random Field Models  P. Fieguth, and J. Zhang
    4.4   AM-FM Image Models: Fundamental Techniques and Emerging Trends  Joseph P. Havlicek, Peter C Tay, and Alan C Bovik
    4.5   Image Noise Models  Charles Boncelet
    4.6   Color and Multispectral Image Representation and Display  H.J. Trussell
4.7   Statistical Modeling of Photographic Images  Eero P. Simoncelli
    Image and Video Classifications and Segmentation
    4.8   Statistical Methods for Image Segmentation  Sridhar Lakshmanan
4.9   Multiband Techniques, Texture Classification, and Segmentation  B.5. Manjunath, G.M. Halo Wei-Ying Ma, and S.D. Newsam
    4.10  Video Segmentation  A. Murat Tekalp
    4.11  2D and 3D Motion Tracking in Digital Video  Georgios Stamou, Michail Krinidis,            Evangelos Loutas, Nikos Nikolaidis, and loannis Pitas
4.12  Adaptive and Neural Methods for Image Segmentation  Joy'deep Ghosh Edge and
Boundary Detection in Images
    4.13  Gradient and Laplacian Edge Detection  Phillip A. Mlsna and Jeffrey H. Rodriguez
Partial Differential Equation-Based Image Processing
    4.14  Diffusion Partial Differential Equations for Edge Detection  Scott T. Acton
    4.15  Shape Smooothing and PDEs  Frederic Guichard, Lionel Moisan, and Jean-Michel Morel
    4.16  PDEs for Morphological Scale Spaces and Eikonal Applications  Petros Maragos
4.17  Geometric Active Contours for Image Segmentation  Vicent Caselles, Ron Kimmel,and Guillermo Sapiro
Algorithms for Image Processing
   4.18  Software for Image and Video Processing  K. Clint Slatton and Brian L. Evans
SECTION V  Image Compression
SECTION VI  Video Compression
SECTION VII  Image and Video Acquisition
SECTION VIII  Image and Video Rendering and Assessment
SECTION IX  Image and Video Storage, Retrieval, and Communication
SECTION X  Applications of Image Processing
