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英语(文化课系列 上册 第2版)

英语(文化课系列 上册 第2版)

定 价:¥11.00

作 者: 张俊贤 编
出版社: 中央广播电视大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪中等职业教育规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787304036751 出版时间: 2006-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 93 字数:  




暂缺《英语(文化课系列 上册 第2版)》作者简介


Unit One
Dialogue Greetings and Farewells
Text A About Myself
Text B Busy Monday
Grammar Nouns
Unit Two
Dialogue Introductions
Text A The Wolf and the Lamb
Text B Never Throw Good Things away
Grammar Articles
Unit Three
Dialogue Expressing Anxiety.Surprise
Text A Talking about Friendship
Text B Write in the Sands and Write on a Stone
Grammar Pronouns
Unit Four
Dialogue Asking about Times
Text A Time
Text B What a Clever Man
Grammar Numerals
Unit Five
Dialogue Invitations
Text A An Invitation Letter
Text BA Dinner Party
Grammar Conjunctions
Unit Six
Dialogue A Tour in Beijing
Text A The Great Wall
Text B The Eiffel Tower
Grammar The Simple Present and the Present Continuous Tense
Unit Seven
Dialogue Asking the Way
Tex tA Traffic in England
Text B One-Way Street
Grammar The Simple Past and the Past Continuous Tense
Unit Eight
Dialogue Expressing Wishes
Text A The Spring Festival
Text B Halloween
Grammar The Simple Tenses
Unit Nine
Dialogue At the shop
Text A Good Manners
Text B Different Manners
Grammar Use of Adverbs
Unit Ten
Dialogue Asking a Favor
Text A Hobbies
Text B Dangerous Sports
Grammar Sentence analysis
Unit Eleven
Dialogue In a Doctor's Consulting-room
Text A David Has o Cold
Text B Too Clever
Grammar Use of Gerund
Unit Twelve
Dialogue Talking about a Football Game
Text A The Olympic Games
Text B Beijing 2008 Olympic Mascot
Grammar The Attributive Clause(I)
