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Step by Step畅听VOA标准新闻英语 作者:蒋月

News Item5


News Background


伦勃朗(Rembrandt 1606~1669)1606年7月15日生于莱顿,1669年10月4日卒于阿姆斯特丹。其画作体裁广泛,擅长肖像画、风景画、风俗画、宗教画、历史画等。伦勃朗在绘画史——荷兰乃至全欧的绘画史上所占的地位,与意大利文艺复兴诸巨匠不相上下。他所代表的是北欧的民族特性,其中《木匠家庭》、《以马忤斯的晚餐》是卢浮宫中收藏的两幅代表作品。伦勃朗晚年生活困难,家产被拍卖,油画作品买主不多,只有宗教题材的蚀刻版画还有人订制。据20世纪60年代统计,他一生留存的作品有油画600幅,蚀刻版画350幅,素描1500幅,70年代以后还陆续有新的发现。

News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

A small antique etching discovered by the president of Catholic University in Washington,D.C., has created quite a cultural stir. “I don’t think, in my 12 years as president, that anythinghas attracted so much attention so quickly as this piece of art,” ??says the Very Reverend David M.

O’Connell.)(Hidden in a bathroom cabinet)The small black-and-white print shows an elderly bearded man wearing a hat. It measuresless than 12 by 13 centimeters, so it’s not entirely surprising that it was overlooked until Father O’

Connell discovered it in a bathroom cabinet in the building that serves as both his residence andoffi ce.

Step by Step(Not rare, but hardly worthless)“Its value, monetarily, is not worth that much,” Father O’Connell says. “Ithink we had it assessed at about #4000 because there are so many like this, butonly one here.” Father O’Connell says he assumes the etching ended up in thecabinet when the bathroom was painted before his arrival. It’s now the centerpieceof an exhibit in the university library, and both the reverend and archivist LeslieKnoblauch wonder what other treasures may yet be discovered on CatholicUniversity’s campus.

antique a.

古代的stir n.

轰动overlook v.

忽视,忽略residence n.

住处assess v.

估价assume v.

猜想,认为centerpiece n.

中心装饰品reverend n.

教士,牧师词汇加油站Listening Comprehension听力理解1 A small antique etching discovered by in Washington, D.C.,has created quite a cultural stir. “I don’t think, in my 12 years as president, thatanything has attracted so quickly as this piece of art.”

2 Which statement about the antique etching is true? ( )A. It was hidden in a bathroom cabinet.

B .It shows an elderly bearded man wearing a hat.

C. It measures less than 12 by 13 centimeters.

D. All the above.

3 In the following statements, which one does Father O’Connell believe? ( )A. Its value, monetarily, is not worth that much.

B. It is not rare, but hardly worthless.

C. it assessed at about $4000 because there are so many like this, but only onehere.

D. All the above.

1. the president of Catholic University; so much attention2. D 3. D KeyPart 11 A small antique etching discovered by the president of Catholic University in Washington,D.C. has created quite a cultural stir. 其中A small antique etching discovered by the presidentof Catholic University in Washington, D.C.做主语,discovered by the president of CatholicUniversity in Washington, D.C 是定语从句,修饰a small antique etching。

2 I don’t think, in my 12 years as president, that anythinghas attracted so much attention so quickly as this pieceof art,其中that引导的是宾语从句,in my 12 years aspresident是作为插入语的成分。

3 I think we had it assessed at about #4000 because thereare so many like this, but only one here. 句中ave it done形式的意思是让某事被做。


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