
Global Interesting News 环球趣闻(6)

Step by Step畅听VOA标准新闻英语 作者:蒋月

News Item 4


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News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

Two-year-old Lilianna Robinson is pursuing one of her favorite pastimes, playing on thecomputer while sitting on her mother’s lap. They’ve logged onto a site called KneeBouncers.com.

“Whenever my wife, Holly, is at the computer and my daughter spies her at the computer, it’sKneeBouncer, KneeBouncer, KneeBouncer,’” says Jim Robinson.

(Any key will do)There’s no frustration with KneeBouncers. Babies can hit any key on the keyboard and getan immediate response. Parents can choose from 18 different games, featuring those and othercolorful characters. “A lot of the games came from just the simple games we play with our kidswhen they are babies,” says Robinson.

(Family fun goes viral)Robinson, who is trained as a graphic artist, comes up with the games and does the drawings.

News Item 4Part 1Listening Comprehension听力理解1. hit any key; 18 different games2. C 3. C KeyDommermuth, a programmer, brings the games to life with animation and sound. Becausethey both design Websites for a living, it seemed natural to put KneeBouncers on line.

(Expanding the KneeBouncer family)Robinson and Dommermuth have made a little money from merchandisingand they are getting ready to grow the brand. They are currently working onboth Webisodes and TV episodes based on characters in the games, and they aredeveloping applications for Apple’s i-Phone so parents can take KneeBouncerseverywhere they go with their children.

1 There’s no frustration with KneeBouncers. Babies canon the keyboard and get an immediate response. Parents can choose from, featuring those and other colorful characters. “A lot of thegames came from just the simple games we play with our kids when they arebabies,” says Robinson.

2 Which is not the characters of KneeBouncer? ( )A. There’s no frustration with KneeBouncers.

B. Babies can hit any key on the keyboard and get an immediate response.

C. Parents can choose from 20 different games, featuring those and othercolorful characters.

D. All the above.

3 Which statement about the article is not right? ( )A. Dommermuth, a programmer, brings the games to life with animation and sound.

B. Robinson, who is trained as a graphic artist, comes up with the games anddoes the drawings.

C. Robinson and Dommermuth have made a lot of money from merchandisingand they are getting ready to grow the brand.

D?? All the above.

pastime n.

消遣,娱乐log v.

登陆frustration n.

沮丧,挫败feature v.

以……为特征graphic a.

绘画的animation n.

动画merchandising n.

商品销售application n.

应用软件词汇加油站两岁的莉莲娜??罗宾森正在做她最喜爱的娱乐活动——坐在妈妈的腿上玩电脑。母女俩已经登陆上一个叫做KneeBouncers.com的网站。“只要我妻子霍莉坐到电脑那儿,我女儿就过去盯着,这是KneeBouncer, KneeBouncer, KneeBouncer”罗宾森说道。




1 Whenever my wife, Holly, is at the computer and my daughter spies her at the computer.“ whenever”

引导让步状语从句,意为“只要,无论什么时候”。Holly 被两个逗号隔开,是作插入语的成分,插入语被去掉的话,句子结构依然完整。整句话的意思是只要我妻子坐到电脑那儿,我女儿就过去盯着。

2 Robinson, who is trained as a graphic artist, comes up with the games and does the drawings.

“who is trained as a graphic artist”是非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句与先行词关系不十分密切,只是对其做一些附加说明,不起限定制约作用。如果将非限制性定语从句省去,主句的意义仍然完整。

3 Apple’s i-Phone苹果手机。2008年,美国当地时间6月9日,苹果首席执行官史蒂夫??乔布斯在当年的苹果全球开发商大会(WWDC 2008)上正式发布了3G版iPhone。作为第二代iPhone,3G iPhone基本沿袭了第一代的外观和用户界面风格。用苹果的话来说,3GiPhone就是一个把宽屏iPod,与众不同的网络设备,以及具有创新意义的手机结合起来的产品。


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