
Ford Motor—Enjoy Your Life

英文读天下:畅谈世界500强 作者:李丹

For more than 100 years now, Ford Motor Company has beenselling mass-produced automobiles in the United States and around theglobe. Known as one of the Big Three American manufacturers, Ford hasattracted millions of loyal customers with a wide range of dynamic andinnovative products that offer considerable value for the money. Theautomaker’s trucks and SUVs have been especially popular. For decades,Ford’s F-Series truck has been the best-selling vehicle in America.

The company was founded by Henry Ford in 1903. Ford dreamed ofbuilding a car for the masses,and that’s precisely what he did.

Beginning with 1903’s ModelA, the Michigan-based companygradually rolled out a lineup ofconservatively priced vehiclesthat were typically named usingthe letters of the alphabet .

Perhaps the best-known Ford ofthis series is the immortalModel T of 1908—1927,which was bought by 16.5million Americans duringits 20-year lifespan and wasaffordable enough for Ford’sown factory worker s t opurchase. Ford’s early yearswere also distinguished by its introduction of the moving assembly line. Itwas the first to utilize this more cost-effective method of production, and itsinnovation became a mainstay of the manufacturing process.

By the 1970s, Ford, like other domestic automakers, was startingto suffer the effects of changing consumer tastes and new governmentregulations. Many of its cars became shadows of their former selves. Butthe seeds of rebirth were planted in this decade. In 1979, the companyacquired a stake in Mazda; this move would later aid Ford significantlyin co-development projects. It also emerged with a new mindset of globalcompetitiveness. By the mid to late 80s, Ford was showing new strengthwith its popular Escort and Taurus models while further expanding itsempire with the purchase of the Jaguar and Aston Martin brands.

Ford rode a wave of popularity in the 1990s, thanks in part to thesuccess of its Explorer midsize SUV. The ute was a hit and played a hugerole in ushering in the era of the SUV. In 1999, Ford expanded its familyyet again with the purchase of Volvo’s car division, and, in 2000, it acquiredLand Rover. For a while, therewas talk of Ford even takingGeneral Motors’ spot as the No. 1automaker in the world.

But the new millenniuminitially saw a downturn forFord. Increased competition, acontinuing operating loss for Jaguar, legacy costs and a reliance on SUVsfor profit took their toll. To compensate, the company sold Aston Martin,Jaguar, Land Rover and Volvo and introduced a wave of successful newproducts. Models like the F-150, Fiesta, Flex, Fusion and Mustang haveallowed Ford to regain its health and stand out today as a very competitivemanufacturer.


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