32. 虽然存在着二手飞机的二级市场,但二手飞机的价格差别很大,而且往往是在该行业的衰退期。
33. Doganis (1991).
34. Taneja (2003) see op.cit.
35. An industry executive in Ott and Neidl (1995) see op.cit.
36. Cited in Stephen Holloway (2003) Straight and Level: Practical Airline Economics. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, p.581.
37. For figures on industry performance and a discussion of underlying industry structure, see Chapter 2.
38. IATA Economic Briefing; Airline Business Confidence Index, April 2008.
39. IATA Annual Report, 2007.
40. IATA Annual Report, 2008.
41. Taneja (2002) p.15, op.cit.
42. 基于1987年和1996年之间的数据风险,来源:http://www planecrashinfo.com / cause.htm, 访问时间:2004年12月8日。
43. http://www.airlinequality.com
44. 航空业调查,例如,排名集中在前200的航空公司。
45. Ott and Neidl (1995) see op.cit.
46. Taneja (2003) see op.cit.
47. Glisson et al., 1996.
48. Cyril Murphy, Vice President, International Affairs at United Airlines quoted in World Wide Webs, Airfinance Journal, 11 October 1997, p.36.