49. Business Travel News, 8 April 2002, Star Alliance Membership Still Shines the Brightest, 19(6), pp.16—17.
50. Business Travel News, 8 April 2002, Star Alliance Membership Still Shines the Brightest, 19(6), pp.16—17.
51. Airfinance Journal, June 2000, Marry in Haste, Repent at Leisure, Issue 229, p.7.
52. Journal Record, 12 November 1998, Alliances Changing the Airlines Industry, p.1.
53. Aviation Week and Space Technology, 22 September 2003, Global Unionization SkyTeam member Airlines** Pilot Unions Tighten Cooperative Links as the Alliance Prepares to Expand, 159(2), p.44.
54. Memphis Business Journal, 8 August 2003, Northwest Alliance with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines at Risk, 25(15), p.12.
55. Fariba Allandari of Cranfield University quoted in World Wide Webs, Airfinance Journal, 11 October 1997, p.36.
56. Air Transport World, June 2007, Swissair: Time to Deliver, Vol. 34, no. 6.
57. The Investment Dealer,Digest:IDD, 31 January 2000,Virtual Mergers: With Traditional Mergers Difficult to Pull Off, Airlines Are Finding Creative Ways to Consolidate, p.1.
58. Economist, 27 March 2004.
59. Doganis (2001) p.131.
60. USA Today, 16 February 2004, Ryanair Taking No*睩rills Flying to New Heights: Report. http://www.usatoday.com
61. 塔内加(2002),来源于前面已引用资料。2001年12月27日为2001年12月28日就旅行作出预约查询。
62. 航空公司口头禅:少即是多,访问http://www.thetravelinsider.info,2004年12月30日。
63. Economist, 10 July 2004, Turbulent Skies—Low Cost Airlines, 372 (8383), p.68.
64. ICAO Journal (2004) no.6.
65. Taneja (2002) p.185, see op.cit.
66. Based on tonne*瞜m; Rigas Doganis (1991) Flying Off Course, The Economics of International Airlines, 2nd Edition, Routledge.
67.Taneja (2002) see op.cit.
68. 根据新加坡和香港城市居民承接游人人次最高数目计算。