

我老爸的胡言乱语 作者:(美)贾斯汀·哈本


通常作动词使用,字面义为“性交”,可作及物动词(fuck you)或不及物动词(don’t fuck with me),一般使用者不小心说溜嘴时会翻译成“靠”。


现代用法已演化出各种词性,例如:在“She is a good fuck!”中,它作名词使用,意思为“她超辣/超正点!”,但此句的性暗示强烈,通常只有铁哥们儿之间才会使用,若乱用可能会挨巴掌。

又如文中“What the fuck makes you think Grandpa wants to sleep in the same room as you?”它便作感叹词,使用与否对文意没有影响,只有情绪上的变化,意思都是:“你凭什么认为爷爷想跟你睡同一间房啊?”译得传神些就是:“你他妈的自以为爷爷想跟你睡同一间啊?”


★ 论“如厕训练”


☆On Toilet Training

“You are four years old. You have to shit in the toilet. This is not one of those negotiations where we'll go back and forth and find a middle ground. This ends with you shitting in a toilet.”

★ 论“我第一天上幼儿园”


☆On My First Day of Kindergarten

“You thought it was hard? If kindergarten is busting your ass, I got some bad news for you about the rest of life.”

★ 论“意外事件”


☆on Accidents

“I don’t give a shit how it happened, the window is broken.... Wait, why is there syrup everywhere? Okay, you know what? Now I give a shit how it happened. Let’s hear it.”

★ 论“我的七岁生日派对”


☆On My Seventh Birthday Party

“No, you can’t have a bouncy house at your birthday party.... What do you mean why? Have you ever thought to yourself, where would I put a goddamned bouncy house in our backyard? ... Yeah, that’s right, that’s the kind of shit I think about, that you just think magically appears.”


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