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作 者: 赵彬旭
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
版权说明: 经版权方授权连载试读部分章节,全本请购买正版图书




  赵彬旭。这是一个想活的有趣的孩子。 个人喜欢的一首曲子是久石让先生的“希望与遗赠” (hope and legacy) 曲中温柔的决绝曾一度深深地打动我。 所以,我1 4岁生日的愿望是可以赋予这本诗集同样的力量。 它曾在我人生中很长的一段时间带给我希望, 督促我思考。 而我,作为回报,注以每首诗炙热的真诚。 完稿落笔之后, 也满怀期待地希望这本诗集可以带给其他人些什么?它不止是我一个人的世界。 祝世界上的每一个人,都能偶然地遇上自己所热爱的东西, 然后像我写诗 一样 ,拥抱畅怀的世界。 This is a child who wants to live an interesting life. My favourite tune is“ToHope and to Hand On" by Joe Hisaishi. The tender resolve m也at piece of music touched me profoundly for a time. And so for that reason my wish - on the occasion of my fourteenth birthday - was to be able to imbue this collection of poe 位 y of mine with exactly the same kind of force. Over a long period of time in my life it gave me hope, and it guided and inspiredmy thinking. And I, by way of repayment, poured a sincerity of burning intensity into each and every poem. Having finished the manuscript, I was filled with the hope that this collection would mean something to others it is not only a personal world, unique to me. I wish that every individual on this earth could somehow manage to come across the thing they most love in the world, And, in the s创ne way 仕iat I write poe仕y, embrace this most carefree of worlds.
