中国是茶的故乡,中国人种茶、制茶、喝茶、爱茶,并把茶艺传遍海内外,茶已成为中国最具代表性的文化符号之一。作为一种绿色饮品,茶有着独特的保健功效,同时,它还是招待客人、增进友谊的媒介。本书对中国茶历史、名茶、泡茶方法、茶礼茶俗等做了生动讲解,希望更多的读者由此了解中国茶、爱上中国茶。 China is the home to tea. Chinese plant tea, make tea,drink tea, love tea, and spread tea all over the world. Tea hasbecome one of the most representative cultural symbols of China. Asa kind of green beverage, tea is of unique health efficacy.Moreover, tea is the media for entertaining guests and cementingfriendship. This book gives a vivid illustration on Chinese tea’shistory, well-known types of tea, tea-making methods, tea-relatedceremonies and customs, with the hope that more readers will gainan understanding of Chinese tea and love it.