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Step by Step畅听VOA标准新闻英语 作者:蒋月

News Item3In his debut novel, The Incarnation of Catman Billy, author Will Jordan writes aboutthe adventures of a man reborn as a cat. Billy finds he now must look at life from a differentperspective, and in so doing, he discovers some important truths. Jordan hopes his book inspiresreaders to re-examine their own lives and pursue goals that bring them meaning and fulfi llment.

“Billy is a human coming back as a cat to learn to be a better person,” he explains.

(Having a vision of what you want is important)To embark on a life transforming journey, Jordan says you need to keep a vision of the lifeyou want to live in front of you.

(Keep a positive outlook)Jordan adds that looking at positives rather than focusing onlyon negatives will also enhance relationships. If you want to be in arelationship with your husband or wife, you look at where you growtogether, ‘How can I help you?’ not ‘Where you are wrong and what’sbad?’ It falls apart if you do that.

As we begin a new year and a new decade, Jordan says this is theright moment for us to re-examine our lives. And like CatMan Billy, hesays we all can get out of our personal isolation, connect with others and create abetter life.

debut n.

处女作adventure n.

奇遇,冒险活动perspective n.

观点,想法fulfillment n.

满足vision n.

梦想,想象embark v.

从事,着手enhance v.

增进,改善isolation n.


Listening Comprehension


In his debut novel, The Incarnation of Catman Billy, author Will Jordan writesabout the adventures of a man reborn as a cat. Billy fi nds he now must look atlife from , and in so doing, he discovers .

2 Which statement about the article is right? ( )A. In his debut novel, The Incarnation of Catman Billy, author Will Jordanwrites about the adventures of a man reborn as a cat.

B. Having a vision of what you want is not important.

C. Keep a positive outlook is not important.

D. All the above are right.

3 What does author Will Jordan believe? ( )A. Billy is a human coming back as a cat to learn to be a better person.

B. You need to keep a vision of the life you want to live in front of you.

C. As we begin a new year and a new decade, this is the right moment for us tore-examine our lives.

D. All of the above are right.

1. a different perspective; some important truths.

2. A 3. D KeyPart 11 In his debut novel,其中debut有首次露面或初次登台的意思,例:The actress made herdebut in the new comedy. 这位演员在那出新喜剧中首次登台演出。debut也有年轻女性初次进入社交界的意思,如Helen made her debut at a party when she was eighteen. 海伦十八岁时在一次聚会上初次进入社交界。文中意思是指作者一部书的初次发表。

2 Having a vision of what you want is important句中“having a vision of what you want”是全句主语,“what you want”作have a vision of 的宾语,表示你想要什么。

3 To embark on a life transforming journey, Jordan says you need to keep a vision of the life youwant to live in front of you. “To embark on a life transforming journey”动词不定式表示开始一段旅行, embark on是“开始做……的意思”,“you want to live”作定语,修饰life,表示所向往的生活。


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