

我老爸的胡言乱语 作者:(美)贾斯汀·哈本

★ 论“在学校闯祸”


☆On Getting in Trouble at School

“Why would you throw a ball in someone’s face? ... Huh. That’s a pretty good reason. Well, I can’t do much about your teacher being pissed, but me and you are good.”

★ 论“圣诞节礼物清单”


☆On Making a Christmas List

“You ranked the twenty-five presents you want, in order of how much you want them? Are you insane? I said tell me what you want for Christmas, not make a fucking college football poll.”

★ 论“滑水道”


☆On Waterslides

“You go on ahead. I’d rather not be shot out of a tube into a pool filled with a bunch of nine-year-olds’ urine.”

★ 论“自己准备午餐”


☆On Packing My Own Lunch

“You have to pack a sandwich. It can’t just be cookies and bullshit.... No, I said if you packed it yourself, you could pack it how you want it, not pack it like a moron.”


[1]?《大奖换不换》(Let’s Make a Deal):源于美国的电视游戏节目,参赛者要在三扇关闭的门中选择一扇,其中一扇门后有大奖(如汽车),另外两扇门则是“安慰”奖(如羊或猪)。参赛者决定好之后,主持人会在剩下两扇门中打开没有大奖的一扇门,再问参赛者要不要换门。


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